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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sometimes the effects of using take a while

I'm a lot older now and I really didn't think I drank that much before stopping completely when I was 30 years old. But the other things that I put into my body have indeed taken their toll. I recently had a hospital visit and I wont go into the diagnosis but I can be almost certain it was due to the chemicals I ingested into my system. Remember, everything passes through the liver and kidneys and there are some drugs that will eventually take a toll on your digestive track, as well as gallbladder and pancreas. These organs that we were given at birth start out excellent, like a brand new engine with fresh new oil and proper moving parts. But without maintenance, care and exercise; as well as abstinence or minimum ingestion of alcohol and drugs. The internal organs will start to deteriorate.

I now know at 55 years old that I need to take great concern in what I put into my body. That includes anything from food to over the counter medication. But lets not forget those Doctor prescriptions. That's right, we need to be very diligent on what is in the medication were taking. How will this effect me and will my worn out organs be able to process them.

My results and experience is only one of many that can occur from drinking and using. Even if it was in the past. But I truly believe that our bodies are a wonder of science because God created us to heal ourselves and to treat our bodies well. So please try to think about all that you put into your body and the effects that it could have on your health.

Michael Angelo

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Where am I today

There has been a lot that has happened in the years of sobriety vs. the years of using. Today I am in School attempting my Associates degree.  I say attempting because we never know what the future holds for us.  I know I am doing all I can to give myself the best odds to graduate, and that's all I can ask of myself.  But in the past, I would have never attempted anything like this. I would have resigned myself to; "it's too hard" or   "I just don't have the time", or "something bad will happen if I start School".

Now I know that nothing bad is going to happen if I start School. It's just going to take time, it's going to be hard, it's going to take effort on my part to ensure success.  I have learned that School is "Just like Life". If you want to succeed in life, we have to be willing to put adequate time into it to ensure success. Remember, success is relative. What I mean is; my meaning of success is going to be different than yours. Not better, not worse, just different. 

What I can relate and convey to any recovering addict/ alcoholic still suffering is; The investment that we make in ourselves, is the best investment that we can make towards our future happiness. I know for a fact that one of the things I would always say when I was coming down from a 5-day binge. "I just want to be happy" Today I can say I'm happy and I am somewhat proud of myself.  But by the same token, I know where I came from and it wouldn't take much to get me back in the life of addiction, Prison or Death.

Today, I choose Life and to move forward. I wish you the same.  God be with you on your journey to happiness.

Michael Angelo