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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thank God for AA Meetings

OK, well I went to an AA meeting tonight and boy was I taken down a few pegs.  I heard one woman say that in the past she would not take care of herself just so she could get pain meds. I finally understand that statement. So when you are told to take care of yourself and rest your leg or your back or your foot and you don't do it but instead you tell your doctor that you need drugs~you have just set yourself up for failure with your sobriety. However, like this woman shared, she knew exactly what she was doing and she is now trying to take care of her broken leg so that she doesn't need the pain meds.

And when you get to step 5 and it takes forever or you just keep going back to step 4, there is a reason for this.  Its hard to trust someone and tell them everything you have done wrong to people, especially people you love. 

Although I'm not an addict, I have been a co-dependent person.  It is not my job to fix anyone.  It is not my job to judge anyone.  It is not my job to try and understand the life of an addict because I have never been one.  However, it is my job to "Let go and let God".  It is my job to love the addict but not the addiction.  It is my job to only fix myself.  I choose to call Jesus Christ as my higher power and He is the only one who can fix me.  I am sorry to any addict that I have not done this with.  I was wrong!  Please forgive me. It is not my job to fix you or pray that you will one day be like me.  I know now that will never happen.I love you regardless. I will continue to pray for you.

I have learned that I need to trust in order to live.  And that's what I am going to do and have been doing with my walk with God. It feels great!  Walk by faith, not by sight!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


This Thanksgiving, I am thankful that I am not at addict.  I am thankful that as a recovering co-dependent and a Adult Child of an Alcoholic that I am coming to understand a power much greater than myself.  I know that I must "Let Go and Let God" so that I can be free of controlling behavior that can only hurt me and those around me.  I am thankful that I have a home, food, pretty good health, a loving husband, a car, a job, clothes, a church, people that pray for me, and a family that loves me in spite of myself.  Thank you Jesus that you died for me so that I can have everlasting life.  

The Serenity Prayer
Path God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

--Reinhold Niebuhr

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you who read this blog....

Friday, November 18, 2011

Start a New Day!

It is good to clear the air! Whether or not we agree to disagree, sever a relationship, or start a relationship over, it is good to clear the air.  Even if the parties you clear the air with don't respond, it is still what God wants us to do.  We are only accountable for ourselves.  I have been hurt by addicts, and I have hurt addicts.  Being co-dependent can be harmful to relationships.  However, co-dependency comes in many forms just like denial. 

Only 1.2 million out of 2.3 million addicts ever ask and seek help (SAMHSA).  This is a very sad statistic.  This means that 1.1 million people are walking around in denial.  These are denials of behaviors that they need to address, addictions they need to discontinue, and people they need to quit abusing. When the addict gets help, lives change. 

The question is, do you want to change?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Addiction Is Not an Excuse!

Some addicts think that because they have had issues all their life they can step on people, take advantage of family, and leech off of everyone.  However, being hooked on drugs, booze, porn, or gamblling doesn't give you a license to be cruel and self absorbed, or does it?  Addicts are known for their selfishness but when my father was alive during his alcoholic years, he was never like that. He was a giver.  Most addicts are takers it seems.  My own family members who are addicts cannot see past their own needs which affects the whole family.  The division this type of attitude causes is horrific for a family.  Not only does it cause sadness and mistrust but it also causes family members to say, "No more"! 

Family members do not have to be taken advantage of by the addict just because they are family.  God wants us to stand for what it right even if it means cutting your ties to mother, father, sister, or brother.  So be it!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Learn to "Go-Without" so you can grow from within.

The world is filled with broken promises, misleading assumptions and week to week broken commitments. What we have to do as recovering addicts and alcoholics is to get past those days of relying on other people to help us out. Out of Love, they want to help, but they have their own commitments and priorities in life.  I'm sorry to say, I'm not important enough to some, and definitely not to the many, but I only need to answer to One.

We have learned by our conning days, how to actually get people to help us with a few dollars here and there. But if you ever want to ruin a family relationship; just borrow a large enough sum of money and don't pay it back. You will see that relationship crumble like a dried up piece of corn bread.

We need to take care of ourselves. As hard as it is sometimes, we need to figure out ways to do the impossible-without help from anyone, especially family. They will not always be there. Even though a lot of us are sober and doing the best we can, we think by doing that, people will help us. We have what professionals call, "A sense of entitlement" Why? because were trying so hard. Well that's why they call it life, and not Fun. It's hard to survive, it's harder when were recovering. I know, I'm trying and I myself still ask for help from family. Sometimes they can, sometimes they can't. Sometimes they want to but other family members get to them first. It just becomes a viscous cycle of asking one family member, then asking another to help so you can pay off the first person. It's like our own little "Ponsi-Sceem".

The best thing we can do for ourselves sometimes is to just go without. We have a "go" campaign at the church I attend, and this week it's "go without" of course it's supposed to be so you /me can help someone else. The problem is "I'm the one that needs help" It's ironic. But just going without tends to build character. I don't care if you have a child or not, the same applies. Yes, your child is suffering because you/me can't support her or him because we haven't learned to manage our own lives. This will build character. Not only in us, but in that child as well.

So stop relying on help from family, sometimes they just can't do it. They may  or they may not really want to help.  Have you ever asked them that? I would say most of them can't be truthful. I remember when I had to tell my Son, "I can't help you anymore" I meant it too. Well he learned to survive without my help, imagine that. Remember, God is there, he's always there.

Michael Angelo