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Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Mission of Filantrypico™ and Mi Corazon Espinado™

Mi Corazon Espinado™, a branch of Finaltrypico™, endeavors to reach out to those people suffering with addiction, weather it be; drugs, obesity, pornography, smoking, drinking, you name it. Anything that is holding you back and keeping you from your day-to-day commitments and responsibilities is an "addiction". If you can admit that the addiction is more powerful than you, then you have a problem and you've made the first step. We want to help!!!  In such ways as: connecting you with loving experienced addicts that can get you started on your road to change. We can also help you find places to go for immediate assistance, meetings, and support groups, and help you seek out sober living environments. If your ready to start your life a-new, we want to help you get there. Addicts say, "it's the hardest thing you will ever have to do, but if you do it, it will be the most rewarding and gratifying thing you've ever done". Not only for you, but your family, God, and friends that love and care about you.


  1. In the world on today, we are all somewhat "addicted" to something. Some things are very minor and not to be concerning. But other things like drinking too much or the occasional binging on your favorite substance are concerning, not just to yourself- but your entire family. Addiction and chemical dependency effects the all those people close to you. "Remember that" the next time your thinking about getting high

  2. Not only does it affect those you love but everyday people die of these causes that could have been avoided. There is so much help out there now that it's a shame that people don't seek it out to get better. I lived with an addict for 25 years, grew up with an alcoholic, and saw what addiction can do in my own two sons. I'm just so thankful that my sons are still alive and no longer using. As for my ex, well there are some addictions that people just don't want to give up even though it's draining them.

    As a codependent, my addiction was control. I say was, because I have come a long way. I have learned that I had to let go of some relationships that were not healthy for my well being and it helped tremendously. Some people just don't are not good for us. It could even be a sister or a best friend from childhood.

    I am happy to say that most of the time now, I just try to stay out of other people's business and it frees me up from trying to take control. Don't get me wrong, I do want to tell them what I think is best for them but I bite my tongue and let it go and let God. He can do it way better than me.

    However, it just kills me to see people get taken advantage of and they just keep letting it happen. All I can do is pray for them that they won't let themselves fall deep into that pit again and again.

  3. In the world that we are in today, we are all victims of some form of an "addiction" or vise. We need a forum like this to be able to talk to others about what's going on in our lives. I recall my days of using well. When Monday would rear it's awful face and I would be forced to look at my bank account and realize what I had done- once again. I wanted my life to end right then. Sometimes we would call in sick because I needed to borrow money from someone just for gas money. Nothing even in the refrigerator to eat. Wow, I really blew it this last week-end. Then you would utter those words once again. "Never again" will I do that.

    Well, all us true addicts know what happened next weekend, don't we. I know we all have a bottom to hit, don't let yous be like mine- please ask for help, call out to God, or someone you know that cares. Help is there, close, The Lord God does not forsake us in this time of true humility.

    God blesses the suffering sinners. he did me!


  4. I heard a great message yesterday at church. It was about humility. If you want to know whether or not you are humble, just ask yourself this question. "When I agree to help someone, or do something for someone, do I then begin to think about my own wants and needs?" If the answer is yes, then you are not humble. Humility is what brings us grace. We must always practice humility. If we always think of others as better than ourselves, that's humility. This DOES NOT mean to hang your head and beat yourself, or put yourself down. Remember who your maker is. He did not make a mistake. You were wonderfully and fearfully made. If you are always talking about yourself in a conversation with others, you are not humble. If you are always thinking of your own needs before others, you are not humble. However, there is hope. We can learn to be humble by practicing to be more like Christ or any great servant who put the needs of others before their own.

  5. Why do we use? It feels great! Let's call it like it is.... It's that fancy Red Lamborgini that goes 200 MPH! So sweet, cherry red but when redlining too high, BOOOOOM!!!! ENGINE BLOWN!!! Then you're left with no wheels... Maybe we should be more like a Camry or Civic and just kick it. No high high's and no low low's... Maybe we can be normal if we don't keep it inside all the time. That's what this blog is for. Let that crap out! Take the power out of it and share it with others..... Gosh, I feel so much better. Before I go to sleep I will remember that this for me too, it's ok to be selfish when it comes to sober living... Peace

  6. So true are those word's spoken from "anonymous" last night. A person that has been there and knows how it feels to have those cravings. I am one of those that went 200MPH + and sure enough, "The wheels fell off" But be certain that there is help out there. There are people that know how you feel, know the craving and know how to fight it- and win, win your life back, then give back to another suffering sinner. Yes that's right "I'm a sinner" I know that. Only Jesus was the perfect man.

    I am alive today and doing good due to those people around me that loved me and believed in me and gave me some hope to take me out of that pit of despair. But mostly, because I just got on my knees and said, "GOD- PLEASE HELP ME" and he did. I had to go through hell with detoxifying my body, getting rid of those ugly terrible, disgusting thoughts of things I've done to get my "drug of choice", but know I am on a different path. I have knowledge of hope for a specific reason, I am sure it is to help others. I know my heart is in the right place today.

    But now I want to pass on some hope to those out there still suffering, reach out- help is there when you ask for it.

    May God be with you and

  7. Thanks Hurtin4certain.
    I appreciate your post. Every morning when I open my eyes I say to myself, man I don't want to go to work today. There's so much else I could be doing. But that's when I know I can't listen to my body. I can't let my flesh dictate my day. It wants to so bad. It wants to screw me up and see me suffer and fail. Then I hear that voice saying, "You know as soon as you get up and take a shower, all that stuff will go away". This is the first day of the rest of your life. Then, I just get up, moaning, cursing, complaining, then the morning rituals, and hmmm, I am feeling a little better. My body doesn't hurt so much, oK I think I will take a nice shower and get all dolled up and what do ya know? I'm good! I get to work, say hi to my students and then I ask myself, "What the heck was all the complaining about?" Why do I feel great now? Well, the truth is, the enemy tried to kill, steal, and destroy my life and he never lets up. I hate him! To hell with him. To God be the glory!
