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Saturday, May 21, 2011

First step of Addiction rcovery

It doesn't really matter what your drug of choice may be. Alcohol, cocaine, pills, meth, It's all the same, you know it's tearing you up inside.  It just doesn't have anything good that comes from it, other than that  "Initial Buzz" and we keep searching for it. So we keep doing it and doing it, the next thing you know 5-10 years has gone by and you really don't know how you ended up losing all your loved ones, your job, your money, your dignity and your respect- towards yourself as well as others.

You realize you need help. Maybe you've done some terrible things during that time to sustain your habit, like lying to your boss about why you can't come to work, cash withdrawals from credit cards, making up excuses and borrowing money from family. This is why it's so hard for most of us to take that initial step in recovery. We just don't want anyone to find out. It's that "pride" that holds us back. All those things must come out. We need to be free from that "self-guilt".

That first step is the hardest. There are people and organizations that can help. We don't have to live like that anymore. The first step to getting help is admitting that we have a problem. 

Please reach out and get the help you need,

Michael Angelo

1 comment:

  1. What is the first step? It's admitting we have a problem in the first place. If we can at least do this, then we have won the first battle. This is the first step to healing. Admitting we are powerless allows us to let something greater than ourselves have access to help us. God can help but it won't be easy. He expects me to ask him for help because he won't force himself on me. I think I can trust someone like that. What about you?
