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Thursday, December 18, 2014

Christmas With Family

Christmas can be a difficult time for many addicts and co-dependents during family gatherings or when you find yourself alone during these holidays. If you are alone during these these next few weeks, remember that there are others out there sharing your feelings. The only way you can find each other is by getting to a meeting or finding a site online that connects all of you. Blogs such as mine, as well as other sites that can help you through. Visit for more information. I was quite the co-dependent in my previous marriage but I am much better now but I still seek help from God through prayer, church, and some great Christian books and devotionals that keep me grounded. It is difficult in certain situations but all we can do is keep trying to be better. Dealing with ex's and addicted grown children as well as family members that are just plain mean can also be stressful and cause you to want to use or become controlling. The key is to let go and let God. It works every time. I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and pray for each and every one of you that God softens your heart, that he delivers you from wanting to use or wanting to control others. I pray for His divine intervention in your life and for your protection. I pray that you have food, a warm bed, and someone that you can be with during this time of year. If you need me, I'm here for you. All you have to do is leave a comment and I will do my best to be a friend. Blessings, Lilia