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Wednesday, May 18, 2011


How do we stop trying to control others?  We do this by focusing on ourselves.  Is this easy? No, it's not easy.  We tend to want to stop looking at ourselves and look at what our significant other is doing.  We have to remember that we can only control the actions of our self.  We are not to blame for the choices other people make.  We are not to blame if how they treat us is abusive.  But we are responsible to get out of a bad situation. If you stick around the abuser and you're not an addict, then perhaps you are sicker than you think.  It is important to find support in others that we can count on.  However, that someone needs to be healthy.  Support groups like AA, Al-Anon, and Celebrate Recovery are just some of those options.  There is also counseling and therapy that we can take advantage of to stay on the right path to recovery.  If we don't step out in faith and get the help we need, nothing will change. That first step is always hard but it's the best decision you will ever make. When we sit amongst others and listen to their stories, we sometimes realize that we don't have it so bad after all.  We also sometimes see how we have ignored situations and hoped for the best.  Hoping does not change the present or the future.  We must act!  When we act, we get results.  In order to do what's best for our self we must weigh the options and choose the path that is the most rewarding. The path of peace will set us free.  Today, we must let go and let God. However, when you get to that door that you are afraid to walk through, step into it.  Take that leap of faith. Get the help you so desperately deserve and need.  Don't be afraid to walk alone, God is with you.  Even though you can't see Him, he is right there waiting for you to trust Him.  Let Him show you the way today. Ask Him what to do next.  He will quickly show you.  Say this with me. 

God, what do you want me to do today?  God, will you show me the way today? 

Watch God work in your life.  Remember, we can't tell God, we must ask. That is the secret to His presence in your life.

God grant me the serenity to change the things I can, to accept the things I cannot, and the wisdom to know the difference. Keep coming back. It works!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome words of wisdom. I enjoy reading that every morning. Knowing that If I have an addictive personality, certain things can get me into trouble. I know what they are, you do too. But sometimes, things sneak up on you, that's why I believe there is a Satan. If I believe there's a Heaven, then there is a hell. So it's my responsibility to stay clean free from the abuse of drugs, chemicals, or anything else that may make me stray from good.

    That's what it is! It's a fight for your life, Good Vs. Evil. Seriously, who do you want to win, who do you think your family and loved ones want to win. Good of course.

    May Good triumph over Evil in your Life today, Amen.
