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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Prime Night

When I was using, we always had a specific day that was special to us, it was for some reason, "Thursday night" we called it prime-night for what ever reason, something would always be happening on Thursday night, so it would in some way "prime us up for the week-end" thus creating "prime-night".  Anyway, it was never a good thing. Sometimes you would prime yourself out of work on Friday, therefore creating a 3-day weekend. Another reason to love "prime-night".

Now your drug of choice is really getting some good marketing. Oh yeah, Satan knows about good marketing, it's one of his majors. Now we find ourselves stretching our week-end out to 3-1/2 days. Oh yeah, don't forget the dreaded Monday that follows. Oh my Gosh, who wants to go back to work after partying for 3-1/2 days. Oh no, you better call in sick. Listen to this fact; "George Washington University" did a study in 2007 and found that 75% of our work force drink heavily. This equates to 9.6 million people lose an average of 36 hrs. a month of "work -time loss due to alcohol or drugs". Think about it, that kind of means we are almost calling in sick once a week. Sounds about right for what I was doing.

Lord help us. This is serious people. Some of us justify it and say "I've got vacation time I need to use or lose" so why not use it. or I love hearing people that say, well I never really ever call in sick, so what the hell. What they mean is "they've never really been sick, a hangover isn't really being sick". I've heard it all, being in management for over 16 years in the manufacturing industry- you hear every excuse known to man. I know people that have had 3-4 sets of Grand-parents pass away, or wives that have given birth to babies twice in one year. Yeah, we addicts & alcoholics aren't that smart when it comes to memory.

Please, realize what your doing to yourself and others when we use. Think about it when you agree to go have "one drink" on a Thursday night. we are in big trouble with this problem, the bad-guys are winning.  Lets allow the good guys to get some leverage in our lives. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, those are crazy stats. I know people who call in sick because they say they are sick but they really just partied too hard the night before. Or, they come in looking like they just got up and you think you look good, but you look like crap. I wouldn't call in sick because you will end up getting written up but you can't come in looking like that either. So what's the answer? DON'T DRINK!
